Did get a new computer last week and finaly got it in more or less
working order. Trouble is I'm now on Windows Wista and did not get the
normal down load of Lilypond and jEdit with Lilytool to work as it
should. Did try the Easy lilypond package and most things are working
(but not all, most are jEdit problems I think).
The wicked thing is: The text font I get as default (headers, markup and
lyrics) when processing is a rather ugly sans - type font (looking a lot
like some Arial version). Changing fonts any of the normal ways works
ok so no problem. But if I chose _Times New Roman_ i get some thing
looking like an capital I over a dot in place of capital N.
This is most anoying an weird. Can't figur if the problem is on my
computer, in the interplay between jEdit and Lily or if there is
somthing wrong with the pacage i downloaded.
Is This an Easylily problem or a Wista problem or what? Should I have
to try to get it all the normal eg. Downloading Lilypond, jEdit etc.
separately and troubling my self through the usual configuration disasters?
Andreas Stenberg
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