In the last 3 weeks I created the base for an R5RS Scheme interpreter
written in Java, aimed at GUILE compatibility. It is quite basic yet,
but I'm not very far from the point where I can start interpreting
LilyPond input files as they are. Actually module support is what I have
to implement until that.
I hope you know what that means... syntax checking, autocompletion in
Scheme parts, Wysiwym display etc.
However, even to correctly parse LilyPond files I must implement
LilyPond's exported interfaces, that is, Scheme procedures beginning
with ly:, which are implemented as C++ functions. So definitely I won't
be enough alone for this project to succeed.
So if you are interested, or think that in the future at some time will
be interested in helping/contributing, whatever, you can check the
sources at http://www.sourceforge.net/projects/julie
I think it would be good if I noticed you about it, even if you can't do
much about this yet :-)
LilyPondTool is the editor for LilyPond files.
See http://lilypondtool.organum.hu
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