Hi all. I did a Google and an Archives search on how to notate rasgueado with lilypond, and the instructions there said to use an arpeggio.

I've since discovered on Wikipedia that the up bow/down bow notation used for violins can be used for up strokes/down strokes for plucked string instruments.


(search for "up bow" in the above link)

Anyway, I think that's a better way of indicating things, so I thought I'd send it to the list, and it would appear in the archives for future searchers, so they don't have to re-notate everything like I will :).

I'd also welcome responses to this; while I don't hang out on the lilypond lists any more, I did a few years ago, and the notational knowledge of some of the people here was amazing to me :).


| Name: Tim Nelson                 | Because the Creator is,        |
| E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]    | I am                           |

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