The \clef command sets clefGlyph, clefPosition, middleCPosition and clefOctavation, so issuing it after setting these destroys the values you have just set explicitly. But just changing any of these four properties will cause a clef to be printed anyway, so the \clef command is not required. In effect you've issued a \clef command by setting these properties.
The values in engraver.init are the values for the default clef in each of the staves. The \clef command is defined as a music function in, but this doesn't help you much. Trevor D -----Original Message----- From: Till Rettig [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: 01 March 2008 18:22 To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Cc: lilypond-user Mailinglist Subject: Re: LSR how to move clefs on uneven staff lines? OK, yes, it does work... :-) what I meant was with the settings of middleC =7 and clef position =1. But: When I set the clef settings and let the clef print explicitly with \clef bass it is again at the wrong position (middleCPosition 6 and ClefPosition 2) even though I had said it should be 7 and 1. so you can't obviously use the \clef command with setting that way? Does it read the defaults from Till Trevor Daniels schrieb: I'm not sure what you mean. It works as expected when I try this in 2.11.34. You ask for a staff of four lines, with middle C 6 half-staff-spaces above the center. So the lower C will be 1 half-staff-space below the center, which it is. The clef is 2 half-staff-spaces above the center, also as specified. So what do you think is wrong? Trevor D -----Original Message----- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [ [EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Till Rettig Sent: 01 March 2008 14:52 To: lilypond-user Mailinglist Subject: LSR how to move clefs on uneven staff lines? Hi, I tried to get the clef right for this example from lsr: upper = \relative c'' { c1 d e f } lower = \relative c { c1 b a g } \score { \context PianoStaff << \new Staff << \upper >> \new Staff { \override Staff.StaffSymbol #'line-count = #4 \set Staff.clefGlyph = #"clefs.F" \set Staff.middleCPosition = #6 \set Staff.clefPosition = #2 \set Staff.clefOctavation = #0 %\clef bass \lower } >> } But it doesn't change the position of the notes or the clefs. What is here wrong? I tried as in NR Greetings Till _______________________________________________ lilypond-user mailing list _______________________________________________ lilypond-user mailing list