Piano music is not the only place to use a GrandStaff is it? Is not a
full orchestral score written on a Grand Staff? And the full score of
a String Quartet is it not also a Grand Staff?

I am not 100% sure I'm right here either. I thought that GrandStaff
meant more than one staves bound together because they made up a
greater whole.

In Lilypond I thought that PianoStaff was  inside the GrandStaff
hierarchy as child of the GrandStaff the way GrandStaff is of \score.

As i say, I'm not sure that I'm exactly correct here, but if I am then
GrandStaff still has uses aside from the far more specific case of


>  >> I just noticed that the staff contexts of the examples in are
>  >> PianoStaff. In 1.6 there is only mentioned GrandStaff. Which one is
>  >> the preferred one to be used? I would mention both in 1.6, but I
>  >> think we should develop guidelines which context names to use. Maybe
>  >> the PianoStaff is (at least to others than English native speakers)
>  >> more understandable? So the context would be called PianoStaff in
>  >> 1.6.1 but I would also mention that there is a GrandStaff context?
>  >> So far I have understood that they are both equal. Is this true?
>  >>
>  > In version 2.11, the only difference between the two is that
>  > PianoStaff contains the instrument name engraver. In version 2.10
>  > and earlier, there were more differences. The PianoStaff then produced
>  > a fixed distance between the staves, since the cross-staff
>  > slurs and beams didn't work otherwise. This limitation has been fixed
>  > in 2.11.
>  Ok, good to know. So PianoStaff should maybe be the default, so nobody
>  will be wondering why the instrument name won't show up...
>  What for is the GrandStaff then?
>  Till
> >
>  >   /Mats
>  >
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David Fedoruk
B.Mus. UBC,1986
Certificate in Internet Systems Administration, UBC, 2003

"Music is enough for one's life time, but one life time is not enough
for music" Sergei Rachmaninov

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