Mats, one more detail:

2008/2/15, Mats Bengtsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>  This is the reason that I specified minimum-Y-extent instead of Y-extent
>  for the
>  TextScript objects in a previous example. However, for some reason I didn't
>  manage to get good results when I replaced Y-extent by minimum-Y-extent
>  for the DynamicLineSpanner object, so I don't fully understand the
>  mechanism.

Perhaps you can make an assumption why it didn't work? I have to say
after having been using LilyPond full time for more than a year, I
have no idea what the difference really is, and I always use X or
Y-extent without any "minimum" thing.

I've been used to CSS coding where such properties as minimum-height
or maximum-width are quite useful, but I confess their equivalents in
LilyPond just puzzle me.


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