I think your problem would be resolved by enclosing the entire
expression in double angle brackets: << ... >>
The new Learning Manual covers this very well, and is a noticeable
improvement over the existing documentation. For example, here's the
section on polyphony:
Be aware that some parts of the new docs may be specific to version
2.11. Also, let us know if you come across anything in the Learning
Manual that is unclear to a newcomer. The documentation folks are
looking for feedback before they declare the current rewrite


On Feb 13, 2008 5:10 PM, Philip <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have a problem with polyphonic notation.
> I tried to enter multiple voices using
> \new Voice {
>               % top voice
>            }
> \new Voice {
>               % bottom voice
>            }
> but the bottom voice was notated as though it were an extension of the
> staff instead of under the top voice. How can this be fixed?
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    • Re: Polyphony Andrew Hawryluk

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