I'm currently fighting with adding cue notes from vocal voices. In particular, in instrumental scores of a large choir piece, the cue notes are typically taken from soprano, so I need to add lyrics to the cue notes (idea taken from http://lsr.dsi.unimi.it/LSR/Item?id=347).
Unfortunately, the documentation about cue notes is not very good, and there are hardly any useful snippets or regression tests for cue notes with lyrics. Attached is a stripped-down example of the issues that I'm encountering in my attempts and that I need to solve (I'm creating the orchestra material for a concert in two weeks...). In particular, the problems are: -) The lyrics of the first cue notes start only on the second note! -) The second cues don't have any lyrics any more. -) How can I use the lyrics from the same position as the cue notes? I.e. 'E F G H' and 'O P Q R S T' in the example -) I want a "Sop." markup with the cue notes. -) Cue lyrics should be on the same line (but smaller) than the main lyrics -) When using \killCues (e.g. in the full score or in the vocal score), I want one multi-measure rest going over the whole rest interval. -) Starting cue notes in mid-measure collides with my need for full-measure reast when \killCues is used. The example produces what I want, but barfs with a warning about wrong measure length. -) Cue notes in other clefs should display their original clef and before the real notes reset the clef, see e.g. http://www.mu-sig.de/Theorie/Notation/Notation03.htm#n8 for an example without lyrics. Does anyone have an idea how to overcome these issues? Thanks a lot, Reinhold -- ------------------------------------------------------------------ Reinhold Kainhofer, Vienna University of Technology, Austria email: [EMAIL PROTECTED], http://reinhold.kainhofer.com/ * Financial and Actuarial Mathematics, TU Wien, http://www.fam.tuwien.ac.at/ * K Desktop Environment, http://www.kde.org, KOrganizer maintainer * Chorvereinigung "Jung-Wien", http://www.jung-wien.at/
\version "2.11.39" #(ly:set-option 'point-and-click #f) \header { title="Cue notes with lyrics"} \layout{ ragged-right = ##t \context { \Score % Use multi-measure rests \override MultiMeasureRest #'expand-limit = #1 } } sopM = \relative c' { \clef "treble" c4 c g' g | d d e e | f f g g | a a b, b | c c d d | e e f f | } sopL = \lyricmode { A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z } \addQuote sop \sopM otherVoice = \relative c { \clef "bass" R1 \cueDuring #"sop" #-1 { R1 } % <= I want a "Sop." markup for the cue notes!!!! % <= Lyrics are messed up!!! a4 a g2 R2 % <= I want the cue to start in mid-measure, but with \killCues, I want a full measure rest... \cueDuring #"sop" #1 { R2 R1 } % <= No lyrics here!!! a4 a g2 } otherLyrics = \lyricmode { a b c d e f } \score { \context ChoirStaff << \context Staff = "Soprano" << \context Voice = sopV { \sopM } \context Lyrics = sopL \lyricsto "sopV" \sopL \set Staff.instrumentName = "Sopran" \set Staff.shortInstrumentName = "Sop." >> \context Staff = "cuelyricdemo" << \set Staff.instrumentName = "Sop. cues" \context Voice = otherV { \otherVoice } \context Lyrics = otherL \lyricsto "otherV" \otherLyrics % cue lyrics should be in same line as \otherLyrics... % using Lyrics=otherL causes this, but also causes \otherLyrics to be in smaller font!!! \context Lyrics = cueL \lyricsto "cue" { \set fontSize = #-2 \sopL } >> >> \header { piece="Voice and another voice (different clef) with cues to it:" } } \score{ \new Staff << % Here I want multi-measure rests!!! \new Voice = secondV { \killCues \otherVoice } \new Lyrics \lyricsto "secondV" \otherLyrics >> \header { piece="Without cues (using \killCues e.g. in full score or choir score):" } } \markuplines { "My problems with the above snippet:" "-) The lyrics of the first cue notes start only on the second note!" "-) The second cues don't have any lyrics any more." "-) How can I use the lyrics from the same position as the cue notes? I.e. 'E F G H' and 'O P Q R S T'." "-) I want a \"Sop.\" markup with the cue notes." "-) The cue lyrics should be on the same line (but smaller) than the main lyrics." "-) When using \killCues, I want multi-measure rests going over the whole rest interval." "-) Starting cue notes in mid-measure collides with my need for full-measure reast when \killCues is used." "-) Cue notes in other clefs should display their original clef and before the real notes reset the clef," \line { \hspace #2 "see e.g." \with-url #"http://www.mu-sig.de/Theorie/Notation/Notation03.htm#n8" "http://www.mu-sig.de/Theorie/Notation/Notation03.htm#n8" "for an example without lyrics"} }
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