I'm trying to get text to line up for psalm chants - this involves assigning a large block of text to a whole note representing the reciting tone. Unfortunately, unless I pad the measure with s1.'s before the reciting tone, I wind up with text off the left end of the paper.
So I thought this: *\override Score . PaperColumn #'keep-inside-line = ##t* would fix it, but it seems to make no difference. I tried placing it in different parts of the file, but inside addlyrics is the only place I don't get an error message. But it still has no effect. In the full piece the effect is worse, because of course only system 1 is indented. My snippet is from system 3, but this actually happens often during the piece. I have my workaround, but I have to do this often - if there's a way to use \override to make this automatic, it would sure save me a lot of time. Here's my snippet: ---start ly--- \version "2.11.37"# (set-global-staff-size 12) pipeSymbol = \bar "|" \header { title = "Ps. 32, Happy Are Those Whose Transgression is Forgiven" maintainer = "Jay Ricketts" maintainerEmail = "jay.ricketts (at) gmail.com" lastupdated = "2008/Jan" footer = "2007/01/31-1203" } << \chords { } \relative { \key g \major \clef treble \set Staff.midiInstrument = "voice oohs" \cadenzaOn a'1 g8 e g g fis (e4) r | \break } \addlyrics { \override Score . PaperColumn #'keep-inside-line = ##t \set stanza = "1." "While I kept si -- lence, my bod -- y was -- ted a -- way through my" groa -- ning all day long. } >> \layout { \paper { system-count = #1 } } ---end ly--- I've attached the pdf of my snippet's result. I'm running under Win XP Pro SP2. Thanks again for a great program. Best, Jay Ricketts Music Director St. Paul's Episcopal Church Romeo, MI
Description: Adobe PDF document
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