On Tue, 22 Jan 2008 00:43:31 -0600
"Daniel Tonda" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Whenever I code a guitar or bass piece, since they are written an
> octave above their actual sound, I use the sub_8va clefs for the G
> and F clef. However, in pieces I bought the clef that appears for the
> guitar is the standard G clef without the 8va symbol, but I don't
> mind if it appears.

I would personally recommend that you include the _8va explicitly,
but you may omit it if you wish.  See the info lower on the Clef page
for hints about this.

For anybody else, especially those who think I hate LSR and tweaks
in the NR (you know who you are):  this would be a perfect example
of a great snippet that I'd like to include in the NR.  One (or
possibly two) lines of text, short example that shows how to get a
treble clef that displays notes an octave higher than they
actually are, but without the _8 below it.

(this crops up in cello music as well, especially from Dvorak and
Schumann.  I detest it, since non-Romantic composers write with
proper treble clefs and performs must therefore guess whether
they're looking at a real treble clef or a "play an octave lower
than it looks, but we're not going to give you a hint about this"
treble clef, but it /is/ used, so somebody trying for a
reproduction as faithful as possible might want it)

You can figure this out from the existing snippet in Clefs, but
that's way too complicated for a common (well, "more common than
the current snippet") solution.

- Graham

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