Valentin Villenave wrote:
> Unfortunately, we have currently very few people available for
> addressing bugs and implementing new features, so it is not really
> about money...

I appreciate that. I hope it is something that can be considered in the
future when and if resources become 
more available. Just for interest, how are the shapes of these accidentals
decided? Are they for example in a file that the code picks and can be
modified if you knew how to code the changes, or are they built in into the

I'm trying to get a feel, on how difficult the change would be, and if it 
involves learning and building the whole product. 

Valentin Villenave wrote:
> Here is a way (for version 2.11 only; if you have version 2.10 please
> replace "accidentals.flat" with "accidentals.M2").
> %%%%%%%
> dwn =
> #(define-music-function (parser location note)   (ly:music?)
>  #{ \once \override Voice.Accidental #'stencil =
>           #ly:text-interface::print
>         \once \override Voice.Accidental #'text =
>           \markup {\musicglyph #"accidentals.flat"
>        \postscript #"0.17 setlinewidth -2 0.5 moveto -0.6 1.8 lineto
>        stroke "
>        }
>         $note #})
> \relative {
>        d \dwn bes d \dwn gis
> }
> %%%%%%%

Thanks very much. This works very nicely for occassional accidentals,  but
I'm guessing that this is not possible to do for key signatures. Many of the
arabic modes have the half-flat and half-sharp signs in the key signature,
so when that's the case,  I guess I'll stick to the existing method which
would also work for modulation.  Is this correct?  

Valentin Villenave wrote:
> I'm afraid we do not have anybody competent enough to make LilyPond
> aware of all these modes. 

 I think this item regarding a default NOTENAME_PITCH in \key command can be
dropped out completely, as it is not essential. 

Valentin Villenave wrote:
> If you can write yourself (on a long term, I mean) some definition
> files for Arabic music, I'm sure we will consider adding them to the
> "official" LilyPond distribution, or at least to the LSR.

Thank you. I am thinking of writing an equivalent to some other
languages that are already supported in LilyPond which would define some
additional Arabic Key Signatures and \dwn command that you gave me. The, I think, would also include as the italian note names
are used in Arabic music. I am also considering writing a guide for new
Users who want to use LilyPond to write Arabic music, which  I guess I
should write in tex. I am hoping that I would be able to post this guide on
your site as a supplement that any one who's interested can dowload. There
are lots of things to learn before I can do this, so it'll take a while, but
if you're interested, I can work on this.   

Thank you very much for all your help

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