One solution is to first setup all the contexts placed as you want them but filled with just a spacing note (to keep them alive long enough until the real contents appears) and then fill them with the actual music and lyrics. Such a solution is
for example included as the first SATB template in the manual.
In your example, just replace your current ChoirStaff with

\new ChoirStaff
% Setup the contexts:
\new Staff = solo { s1 }
\new Lyrics= sololyrics { s1 }
\new Staff = upper { s1 }
\new Lyrics= upperlyrics { s1 }
\new Lyrics= lowerlyrics { s1 }
\new Staff = lower { s1 }
% Fill them with some content:
\context Staff = solo {
\time 2/4 \solo
\context Lyrics = sololyrics \lyricsto solo { Tral lal lal lah! }

% accompaniment
{\time 2/4 \dComb \aComb }
\context Lyrics = upperlyrics
\lyricsto "sa" { la -- lah lah la -- lah lah }
\context Lyrics = lowerlyrics
\lyricsto "b" { Tral tral tral tral }

Another solution is simply to remove the \time 2/4 in
% accompaniment
{\time 2/4 \dComb \aComb }
in your original code, since the reason that the alignAboveContext
settings don't work is that the referenced context doesn't exist when
the Lyrics context is created, it's not created until after the \time 2/4
command has been taken care of. (It's enough to have a single
time signature statement for a full score, in contrast to key signatures
which have to be specified for each and every Staff).


Risto Vääräniemi wrote:
Dear All,

I'm trying to create a piece of music where accompaniment consists of
one measure fragments and they are then combined into a sequence. That
seems doable. However, I would have to add lyrics to these fragments
and I'm sort of stuck. \addlyrics and \lyricsto seem to produce
undesired results.

Is this possible or do I have to write the text in one block and just
attach it to the complete sequence? Even that poses some problems. If
I attach the lyrics inside the ChoirStaff they are placed on top of
the fragments.

Below you can find a two measure example and two images – current
output and the output I would like to get.


%%%%% Start %%%%%
\version "2.11.37"

\paper {ragged-right = ##t}
% upper staff of fragment one
dUp = \relative c' \context Voice = "sa" {
    r8 <f a>16 <f a> r8 <f a>

% upper staff of fragment two
aUp = \relative c' \context Voice = "sa" {
    r8 <e g>16 <e g> r8 <e g>

% lower staff of fragment one
dLow = \relative c \context Voice = "b" {
    d8 r a r

% lower staff of fragment two
aLow = \relative c \context Voice = "b" {
    a8 r c r

% fragment one
dComb = <<
  \context Staff = "upper"
  % Text here?

  \context Staff = "lower"
  {\clef bass \dLow}
  % Text here? Preferably above the music.
%fragment two
aComb = <<
  \context Staff = "upper"
  % Text here?

  \context Staff = "lower"
  {\clef bass \aLow}
  % Text here? Preferably above the music.
solo = \relative c' \context Voice = "solo" {
    d4 d a a

\new ChoirStaff
    \new Staff = "solo" {
        \time 2/4 \solo
    \new Lyrics \lyricsto "solo" { Tral lal lal lah! }

    % accompaniment
    {\time 2/4 \dComb \aComb }
    \new Lyrics \with {alignBelowContext="upper"}
      \lyricsto "sa" { la -- lah lah la -- lah lah }
    \new Lyrics \with {alignAboveContext="lower"}
      \lyricsto "b" { Tral tral tral tral }
%%% END %%%%%%



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