Ewald Brökel schrieb:
> Hallo,


please note: this is a list in English language, so it is unlikely somebody 
understood you question. :)

[howto generate german umlauts; TeX notation (\"u, ...) does not work]

Have you ever tried to enter the umlauts directly. At least on my systems this 
works straight forward (Tested only for ß, but there is no obvious difference 
for ö, ä or ü). It might be of importance to save the sheet as UTF-8, but I'm 
not sure about that.

> von MikTeX unter Windows.

Does MikTeX know about multibyte characters? If not, you may have to enter the 
ASCII specification of your characters (f.e 129 for ü). I'm not sure about 
the syntax, but, you wrote you know TeX very well, so you should be able to 
get that right. :-)

MfG Jan

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