Hi Reinhold,
Since you already know what the titles look like (i.e., you've
manually defined the style!), just add a similar \markup.
See example, attached.
Hope this helps!
\version "2.11.35"
% #(set-default-paper-size "a4" 'landscape)
#(set-default-paper-size "a4")
#(set-global-staff-size 14.5)
\header {
title = "Keep score titles with empty score"
\paper {
scoreTitleMarkup = \markup { \column {
\fill-line {
\fontsize #3 \bold \fromproperty #'header:piece
\score {
\context Voice << \relative c'' { c4 d c d } >>
\header { piece = "Nr. 1 - Text" }
% \chapter \IIAriePieceName
\markup { \column {
\fill-line {
\fontsize #3 \bold "Nr. 2 - Text tacet"
\score {
\context Voice << {} >>
\header { piece = "Nr. 2 - Text tacet" }
\score {
\context Voice << \relative c'' { c4 d c d } >>
\header { piece = "Nr. 3 - Text" }
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