Have you tried
 \override VerticalAlignment #'max-stretch = #10000000


Reilly wrote:
Sorry to repost this problem so soon, but I really am stumped.

On Jan 7, 2008, at 5:59 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I am stumped.

I have a score with 22 staves, one system to a page.

I want Lilypond to layout the score so that the the score "fills" the
page. It would be very nice if the first staff and last staff on each
page lined up when laid side by side. In other words, I want Lilypond
to stretch the interstaff spacing appropriately for each page. I have
searched the manual and the LSR without success. I've tried setting

VerticalAlighment #'max-stretch = #ly:align-interface::calc-max-stretch

without any change.

In particular, the first page is the worst. Lilypond is pushing the
staves way down (actually off) the page and leaving a large gap at the
top between the title and the first staff.

I am running 2.11.36.

There is nothing special about the code or music to post. This is a different problem from my prior question asking how to even out the staves over multiple pages in orchestral parts. The solution offered (to set ragged-last-bottom = #f ) worked great.

The issue here is just that in a 32 pages orchestral score, the total vertical height of the score increases and decreases with the number of ledger lines and text and I find the "look" of the score awkward as I read through the pages.

Is there a way to instruct Lilypond to use all the available vertical space on a page?

Much obliged.


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