2008/1/5, Martin Nopola <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> I will write up something for you.

Great! Looking forward to read it :)

> In fact, I will also write a description of the steps to install
> LilyPondTool.
> It took me at least 4 hours to find the information from the web
> sites for java, jedit and LPT and figure out what to do and not
> to do.

Oooh yes; This is why I recently wrote a bundled user-friendly
installer for Windows (see
http://valentin.villenave.info/spip.php?article44 ). I don't know if
the other guys will agree to mention non-LilyPond information in the
docs, but LilyPondTool is such an useful program that I'm definitely
ready to add a few lines (just have to find some distinct place for
it, though).

> Since java and jedit are very general purpose progs I could write
> a simple summary that applies to linux and Lilypond.

Maybe you meant linux and windows; LilyPond is not an operating system -- yet ;)


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