I'm trying to learn Lilypond by transcribing Dowland's Lacrimae Pavan from
lute tablature to guitar.

I have a few questions:

* when I generate the PDF, each note links to the file on my desktop.  Is
there a way to de-link the PDF file?

* In the piece below (intro to Dowland's Lachrimae Pavan) the string
indication isn't showing (\3).  I want to indicate that the f# is on the 3rd
string (open).

* I'm writing it with three voices.  Should I write out the entire piece on
those three lines? Or are you supposed to start new lines? e.g., every four

* Any other suggestions based on my snippet below?

\version "2.10.25" 

  \key e \minor
  \voiceOne { <<b'4. e''4.>> d''16 c''16 b'4 g''4 } \\
  \voiceTwo { g'4. fis'8\3 g'8 a'8 b'4 } \\
  \voiceFour { e4 e'4 e2 }

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