Dear Wilbert,
thanks for Your help. But how can I switch off the "noFlag" ?
I tried 
FlagOn =  \override Stem #'flag-style = #'flag
FlagOn =  \revert Stem #'flag-style = #'no-flag 
but both didn't work. What can I do?
Wilbert Berendsen schrieb am 26.12.2007:
>Op woensdag 26 december 2007, schreef Stefan Thomas:
>> Dear Lilypond-users,
>> I tried the thing with  stems extended over two piano staves.
>> But the below quoted exemple did'nt work and I do not know the
>> reason. Could You give me an advice?
>What I changed:
>- remove the \once 's so it lasts for more than one note
>- add \autoBeamOff so no beams are drawn
>- add \noFlag (you forgot)
>stemExtend = {
>       \override Stem #'length = #20
>       \override Stem #'cross-staff = ##t
>noFlag = \override Stem #'flag-style = #'no-flag
>     \new PianoStaff <<
>       \new Staff \relative c' { c8.  c16~  c16  c8 des16~ des2
>       }
>       \new Staff \relative c{
>         \clef bass \stemUp \autoBeamOff \noFlag  \stemExtend fis8.
>fis16 fis8 f16~ f2
> }
>     >>
>%end snippet
>You should fiddle with the Stem#'length and may be add macros to
>revert hte 
>overrides, like:
>stemExtendOff = {
>       \revert Stem #'cross-staff
>       \revert Stem #'length
>Met vriendelijke groet,
>Wilbert Berendsen
>"You must be the change you wish to see in the world."
>        -- Mahatma Gandi
Stefan Thomas
Siebengebirgsallee 9
50939 Koeln

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