2007/12/23, Valentin Villenave <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> About a month ago, since my laptop went down again and I found myself
> forced to use an old 600 MHz Windows box, I started using msysGit and,
> just out of curiosity, downloaded the whole GUB sources. I discovered
> that the current LilyPond MinGW installer itself was written using
> NSIS; this made me realize that it would be great to take it as a base
> for an extended new LilyPond installation, that would not only install
> LilyPond but jEdit and LilyPondTool as well.
> After having spent a few weeks working on it, I feel like I have a
> made a first step. It is still very buggy, but here are a few ideas I
> had:

Sounds great. I have a pair of suggestions:

> - Installs LilyPond using the authentic GUB procedure (slightly
> updated); everything is preserved, the PATH integration, the "use
> bundled python" option etc.

> - Installs jEdit editor, absolutely unmodified, just like in a
> standard installation. LilyPondTool can also be installed, with a few
> additional configuration files and examples.

I hope this also takes into account the customised path for "Program
Files" directory on localisated versions of Windows. The bundled
lilypondtool+jedit+sumatra needed to touch several conf files to adapt
it to Spanish Windows.

LilyPond installs correctly in Program Files, whatever it is called.

> - Installs Sumatra PDF reader, that is both lightweight and free as in
> freedom. LilyPondTool is preconfigured to use it.

The only way I've found not having to close your desired PDF viewer
while trying to recompile a LP document, is to see the PS document
with GSview (and Ctrl+R to reload). Will Sumatra let others write in
the PDF being viewed, in a future?

> - the whole thing (setup+Launcher) is fully localized (English/French
> only for now, but it's easy to add more languages).

I wanted to add Spanish, just tell me how.

> Besides, if a
> French user launches the application for the first time, he will see a
> translated version of the "Congratulations etc." ly file (with French
> explanations, \include "italiano.ly" and so on).

I wanted to add Spanish, just tell me how. :-)
Francisco Vila. Badajoz (Spain)

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