Dear Lilypondusers, I have a special problem with tremolo. What could be the reason, that the below quoted file looks so strange?
\version "2.10.10" upper = \relative c' { \clef treble \key c \major \time 4/4 <e c >1^\markup { Grundgeruest, Textstelle: ''Er schwur mit tausend Eiden'' } <f c > <g d > \break << {e'2.^\markup {dasselbe, verziert mit chromatischen Durchgaengen} c4 f2. e4 cis1 d4 r f2. f,4 a2. g4} \\ { \repeat "tremolo" 8 { <c, e,>16 e 16 } \repeat "tremolo" 4 { <c f, >16 f16 } \repeat "tremolo" 4 {<cis f,>16 f16 } \repeat "tremolo" 8 {<cis g>16 f16 } \repeat "tremolo" 4 {<d g>16 f16 } \repeat "tremolo" 4 {<d gis>16 e16 } \repeat "tremolo" 8 {<d a>16 f16 } \repeat "tremolo" 8 {<d b>16 f16 } }>> f2 e4 r \break } lower = \relative c { \clef bass \key c \major \time 4/4 gis1 a b gis a b~ b2. r4 g1~ g2 r } \score { \new PianoStaff << \set PianoStaff.instrumentName = "Klavier " \new Staff = "upper" \upper \new Staff = "lower" \lower >> \layout { } } \header {title = "Tristan, Szene 3, Akt 1" subtitle = "Deutung einiger harmonisch komplizierter Stellen" } Stefan Thomas Siebengebirgsallee 9 50939 Köln Tel.Fax:0049(0)221/412529 mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] _______________________________________________ lilypond-user mailing list