This has been added as

but we really need more information. The gap between 1.9.8 and 2.10 is huge, so no further action will be taken unless somebody narrows down the version. At the very least, we need to know the stable version that began the larger files (ie an even X in 2.X.0).

The TeX system shouldn't affect how lilypond behaves... at least for modern versions (2.0 and higher? 2.2 and higher?)

- Graham

Laura Conrad wrote:
"Graham" == Graham Percival <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    Graham> Sean Gugler wrote:
    >> >> PDF files seem larger than necessary, is there something I can do to
    >> >> shrink them?  Besides setting 'point-and-click false, which I've
    >> >> already done.

I replied:

    >> I think it should be considered a bug on some level, maybe an
    >> enhancement request.

    Graham> Then file a bug.  Input file, the exact commands used to compile it,
    Graham> and output on 2.11.35 and on whatever earlier version you're 
    Graham> it to.

OK, here's on 2.0:




Notice that the size is 25370.  I can't run this version of lilypond
any more on a modern ubuntu system, because of the TeX version
changes, but I believe all I said was "lilypond".
Here it is on 2.10.33:


Here the size is 60139, more than twice as big.  And there are files
that have much bigger differences than this.

I believe the size difference had actually happened before 2.8.

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