You cannot run the TeX files containing the lilypond environment
directly with latex oder pdflatex. You have to use the script
lilypond-book which is part of the lilypond package. That script runs
lilypond to make pdf files (or other image files) out of the lilypond
code. Then it writes a new TeX file which contains \includegraphics
commands or something similar for the insertion of your notes. Now you
can run latex or pdflatex on that TeX file.

As Graham already recommended you should read the manual to understand
this and to know what you exactly have to do.


2007/11/15, Graham Percival <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Helge Kruse wrote:
> > I tried the LaTeX example from the Lilypond manual and ran it with
> > MikTeX on Windows XP.
> Try reading the manual as well.  It discusses the lilypond-book script,
> which you must run.
> I have no idea if this is compatible with MikTeX.
> - Graham
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