I've attached a peculiar little example to illustrate a problem
I am having with Volta using Alternative endings.
Instead of using a regular chordname context to display my chords,
I am creating a new voice consisting entirely of spaces and text
markups. The text markups contain both the fret diagrams and chordnames
(with and without capo). In addition to this voice, which I label
"fret", I am also defining a vocal voice, segmented into different
sections of the song.
The song (An abridge version of "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star")
contains a volta repeat with alternative endings. In this case,
my volta bracket appears below my "chords".
How do I move the volta above my "chords" while retaining the peculiar
structure I've set up to display my chords/fret diagrams? Is this
a case where I should be defining a new context for my chords/frets?
I am using lilypond 11.
Thanks in advance,
\version "2.11.25"
\include "english.ly"
\header {
dedication =""
title = "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star"
subtitle = ""
subsubtitle = ""
poet = ""
composer = ""
meter = ""
opus = ""
arranger = ""
instrument = ""
piece = ""
breakbefore = ""
copyright = ""
tagline= ""
gmaj = ^\markup {
\halign #1 {
\override #'(font-name . "Verdana Bold" )
\fontsize #-1.8 {\center-align {"G " "(F) "} } }
\raise #-2.9
\override #'(size . .80) \fret-diagram #"c:6-1-2;6-o;5-3;4-3;3-2;2-o;1-o;"
amaj = ^\markup {
\halign #1 {
\override #'(font-name . "Verdana Bold" )
\fontsize #-1.8 {\center-align {"A " "(G) "} } }
\raise #-2.9
\override #'(size . .80) \fret-diagram #"6-3;5-2;4-o;3-o;2-o;1-3;"
dmaj = ^\markup {
\halign #1 {
\override #'(font-name . "Verdana Bold" )
\fontsize #-1.8 {\center-align {"D " "(C) "} } }
\raise #-2.9
\override #'(size . .80) \fret-diagram #"6-3;5-3;4-2;3-o;2-1;1-o;"
verseone = {
d'4 d'4 a'4 a'4 |
b'4 b'4 a'2 | \break
altone = {
g'4 g'4 fs'4 fs'4 |
e'4 e'4 d'2 | \break
alttwo = {
g'4 g'4 fs'4 fs'4 |
e'4 e'4 d'2 | \break
bridge = {
a'4 a'4 g'4 g'4 |
fs'4 fs'4 e'2 | \break
a'4 a'4 g'4 g'4 |
fs'4 fs'4 e'2 | \break
versefinal = {
d'4 d'4 a'4 a'4 |
b'4 b'4 a'2 | \break
g'4 g'4 fs'4 fs'4 |
e'4 e'4 d'2
\bar "|."
song = {
\mark \markup \small \italic \column {" " "Place Capo on 2nd fret" " "}
\clef treble
\key d \major
\time 4/4
\override MultiMeasureRest #'expand-limit = 1
\repeat volta 2 {
\new Voice = "verseone" {\verseone}
\alternative {
{\new Voice = "altone" {\altone} }
{\new Voice = "alttwo" {\alttwo} }
\new Voice = "bridge" {\bridge}
\new Voice = "versefinal" {\versefinal}
frets = {
\override TextScript #'staff-padding = #2.5
s1\dmaj s2\gmaj s2\dmaj
s2\gmaj s2\dmaj s2\amaj s2\dmaj
s2\amaj s2\dmaj s2\amaj s2\dmaj
s2\dmaj s2\amaj s2\dmaj s2\amaj
s2\dmaj s2\amaj s2\dmaj s2\amaj
s1\dmaj s2\gmaj s2\dmaj
s2\gmaj s2\dmaj s2\amaj s2\dmaj
lyrVerseOne = \lyricmode {
Twin -- kle Twin -- kle lit -- tle star
lyrAltOne = \lyricmode {
How I won -- der what you are
lyrAltTwo = \lyricmode {
How I won -- der what you are
lyrBridge = \lyricmode {
Up a -- bove the world so high,
Like a dia -- mond in the sky
lyrVerseFinal = \lyricmode {
Twin -- kle Twin -- kle lit -- tle star
How I won -- der what you are
\score {
\set Score.skipBars = ##t
\new Staff = vocals <<
\set Staff.voltaOnThisStaff = ##t
\new Voice = "song" { \song }
\new Lyrics << \lyricsto "verseone" \lyrVerseOne
\lyricsto "altone" \lyrAltOne
\lyricsto "alttwo" \lyrAltTwo
\lyricsto "bridge" \lyrBridge
\lyricsto "versefinal" \lyrVerseFinal
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