fiëé visuëlle wrote:
Problem: The lyrics of ending two and three (textSchlussZwei/Drei) are
below voice "eins" instead of their own voices.
(alignBelowContext doesn't seem to to anything, gives also no error,
That's since the Staff contexts they refer to don't exist when the Lyrics
contexts are created at the beginning of the piece. The solution is to
create these at the same time as the extra Staff contexts. Here's a complete
\version "2.10.0"
global = {}
akkorde = \relative c'{c1 d e f }
akkordeSchluss = \relative c'{c1 d e c }
hauptstimme = \relative c'{c2 e d f e g f d }
schlussEins = \relative c'{c2 e d f e d c1 }
schlussZwei = \relative c'{c2 e d f e d c1 }
schlussDrei = \relative c'{c2 e d f e d c1 }
text = \lyricmode { A a a a a a a a }
textSchlussEins = \lyricmode { B b b b b b b b }
textSchlussZwei = \lyricmode { C c c c c c c c }
textSchlussDrei = \lyricmode { D d d d d d d d }
\score {
\new ChordNames {
\set chordChanges = ##t
\akkorde \akkordeSchluss
\new Staff = Oben <<
\global % clef, key, time
\new Voice = "eins" {
\hauptstimme % unison main song
<< % choir ending
\new Staff = mitte \new Voice = "zwei" \schlussZwei
\new Staff = unten \new Voice = "drei"
\new Lyrics \with { alignBelowContext=mitte }
\lyricsto "zwei" \textSchlussZwei
\new Lyrics \with { alignBelowContext=unten }
\lyricsto "drei" \textSchlussDrei
\new Lyrics \lyricsto "eins" { \text \textSchlussEins }
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