On Tue, Oct 30, 2007 at 10:17:13AM -0000, Trevor Daniels wrote:
> > Joe Neeman wrote 30 October 2007 01:26

> > If someone can suggest a better default algorithm 
> > for the placement of
> > lyrics in stretched systems, I'd be happy to hear 
> > it (although
> > probably not until 2.13).
> >
> The idea behind the default algorithm is correct 
> for lyrics which are associated with a single
> staff containing a melody line, but is not so
> good for lyrics which are associated with several
> staves

Aslos, it would seem to me that lyrics should be close to their staff, 
* but not in such a way as to add empty space above the staff below.

Monk Panteleimon
Hermitage of the Holy Cross
Wayne, WV, USA

 IC + XC
+ + + + +
 NI + KA

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