I just tried your example with versions 2.10 and 2.11. Version 2.10 gives a closed
bracket, so this seems like a regression bug in 2.11.


Thomas Scharkowski wrote:
Hello list,

the following code results in an unclosed first volta bracket. Changing StaffGroup to ChoirStaff or removing staffII gives correct output. Searching the archive I found my own question (22 Feb 2007) regarding the same problem in a different context (with chord symbols) and the solution by Mats Bengtsson, but this does not help me here.

Thank you,

LilyPond 2.11.34
Windows XP SP2
\version "2.11.23"
\header {title = "1. volta bracket not closed"}

musicI = {
        \relative c'' {         
        \repeat volta 2 {
c4 c c c }
                \alternative {
                        {c c c c}
{c c c c} } }

musicII = {
        \relative c'' {         
        \repeat volta 2 {
c4 c c c }
                \alternative {
                        {c c c c}
{c c c c} } }

staffI= \new Staff {
staffII = \new Staff {

\score {
        \new StaffGroup
        \layout  {}
\paper {}

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   ---- Datei Information/File information -----------
     Datei/File:  volta_bracket_StaffGroup.png
     Datum/Date:  26 Oct 2007, 8:52
     Größe/Size:  13101 bytes.
     Typ/Type:    Unbekannt

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   ---- Datei Information/File information -----------
     Datei/File:  volta_bracket_ChoirStaff.png
     Datum/Date:  26 Oct 2007, 8:47
     Größe/Size:  13078 bytes.
     Typ/Type:    Unbekannt

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        Signal Processing
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