I've just started using lilypond to transpose an ochestral horn part
from c to f. It's starts with quoting the viola h4 to g2 with a slur on
top. I used the example in the documentation to create the quote, but no
slur appears on them, whereas in the horn part the slurs work just fine.

Any suggestion?

Perhaps, you have to add slur-event to the quotedEventTypes list :
\set Staff.quotedEventTypes = #'(note-event rest-event slur-event)
(see the end of 8.3.3 Quoting other voices )

You have the list of all music events here :

If yout want all music events :
\set Staff.quotedEventTypes = #'(music-event)


\version "2.10.0"

smaller = {
 \set fontSize = #-2
 \override Stem #'length-fraction = #0.8
 \override Beam #'thickness = #0.384
 \override Beam #'length-fraction = #0.8

\addQuote violin \relative c'' { \partial 4 b4( g2) r4 e4}

hornersterSatz = \new Staff \relative {
 \set Staff.quotedEventTypes = #'(note-event rest-event slur-event)
      \new Voice = "cue" {\smaller \partial 4 s4 | s1 }
\new Voice \transposedCueDuring #"violin" #UP c' {\partial 4 r4 | R1 }
 e1(  d1) f1( e1)




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