On 24/10/2007, Nick Didkovsky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello Lilypond users
> I want to extract a Bb trumpet part from a concert score. The score is
> not really in a key signature (atonal music, not c major), so I do not
> want a key signature in the extracted part.
> I see that as long as no key is specified in the music file, then no key
> signature is introduced in the transposed part.
> However, the transposed part then mixes sharps and flats despite the
> command which according to 6.1.8 in the docs ought to print only flats.
> \transpose bes c' \new Staff \jjfStaffAA
> For example E is transposed to F# instead of Gb
> If I introduce "\key c \major" to the music file then the transposed
> part is spelled using only flats (desired), but a key signature of D
> major is introduced (not desired)
> It looks like suppressing the key signature makes Lilypond spell with
> sharps all those transposed notes that would otherwise be sharp in the D
> major key signature.
> Can someone advise how I can both control accidental spelling and
> suppress key signatures in transposed parts?

Hello Nick,

Transposing an E (concert pitch) for a Bb instrument should
always produce an F#, since the interval E-F# is a major second,
like the interval Bb-C. If you prefer the E to transpose to a Gb you
can use

  \transpose ais c' \new Staff \jjfStaffAA

since the interval E-Gb is a diminished third, like A#-C. However,
that will probably lead to lots of nasty double-flats for the rest
of your music.

I tried a small example, and (using LilyPond 2.11.34) I always get
an F#, both with and without a key signature. Perhaps you could
post some of your code that produces a Gb?


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