I'm not sure if this might have been in the archives, but this isn't exactly something easy to find information or how-tos on.

I'm trying to typeset a ragtime piece I finished writing a couple of days ago, and I've found that I've run into a headache. I have a bar in which I had a tie into a note/rest chord combination. I accidentally found out that a tie can't be linked to notes inside a << \\ >> context, so I had to figure out a workaround. I found one, but I now have the problem of a beam passing through a bass clef, as demonstrated in the following code snippet:

\relative c'' { \clef treble g8 c16 g~ g8 \clef bass <g,,, g'> }

This isn't my preferred way of doing it, but it seems the easiest. However, it looks bad to have the beam between the notes passing through the clef sign. Is it possible to extend the stems of the quavers so that the beam passes /above/ the clef sign? This problem has been driving me to distraction all day. I'm don't really understand more than the basics of Lilypond -- the more complicated code involving overrides and contexts is over my head, unfortunately, and what extra code I have used was pretty much copy-and-pasted from the example code given in the main documentation.

If anyone could help me with this, it would be very much appreciated.


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