To me it seems a bug that you get collisions in your first example.
The second example can easily be modified to get what you want.
Just add \fatText before the first spacer note.

Trevor Daniels wrote:
In the following example of writing a typical part
containing multi-measure rests, the annotation of the rests
in 2.11.34 collides if more notes are added to fill the line
(to simulate this, I've added ragged-right = ##t).  This
seems to be a bug.

The collisions can be avoided in 2.11 by attaching the
annotation to zero-length skip notes at the start of the
bar, but only by displacing some of the annotations
vertically (see second example).  This results in confusing
annotations.  IIRC, in 2.10.20 the bars automatically
expanded to avoid collisions of text attached to skip notes,
keeping the annotation all on one level.  This was much
better in this context.  Is there a way of doing this in

% Example of R markup colliding
\version "2.11.34"
\paper { ragged-right = ##t }
 \set Score.skipBars = ##t
 b'2^"Tutti" b'4 a'4

% Example of R markup displacing vertically
\version "2.11.34"
\paper { ragged-right = ##t }
\set Score.skipBars = ##t
 s1*0^"Intrumental" R1*4
 s1*0^"Solo" R1*24
 s1*0^"Instrumental" R1*4
 b'2^"Tutti" b'4 a'4

Trevor D

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