> This is the second draft of Pitches.  Please have
> a look; it's been
> significantly updated.  Remaining items are
> Please let us known if there are any other issues
> that should be addressed.

Only three comments, all points of detail; otherwise looks

1. Sharps and flats are used in an example shown in Relative
octaves entry and in the text above it before they have been
mentioned anywhere.  To an English speaker is and es are
incomprehensible at first sight.  Even in the LM they are
used in 2.2.1 before the explanation in 2.2.2.  I know the
Notation Reference is not meant to be read sequentially, but
inevitably it will be.  Perhaps they should be introduced
(as briefly as you like) in the first section on Absolute
octave entry.

2. At the bottom of Accidentals there is a cryptic comment
about microtones and MIDI.  As neither micro tones nor MIDI
have been mentioned so far this seems misplaced.

3. The note names table in other languages is poorly
formatted (at least in html).

> Cheers,
> - Graham
Trevor D

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