Thanks, it makes sence! But when I tried to apply it to the larger
piece, i got this:
programming error: Moment is not increasing. Aborting interpretation.
I have a problem creating a minimal example, where the error occurs. But
I will try to make something as minimal as possible. The error occurs,
when the lyrics of one part covers all notes off that part, then the
next part, and the rest of the piece is not printed. If I uncomment the
lyrics or delete the last word, there is no problem...???
Mats Bengtsson wrote:
Your line
\context Lyrics = C \lyricsto tenorVerse \textVerseA
happens already from the beginning of the piece, whereas the line
\new Lyrics = "C" {s1}
which the former line refers to, happens (time-wise) after the intro.
The following version of the \score block, works as you would expect:
\score {
\new ChoirStaff {
%%% INTRO %%%
\new Lyrics = "A" {s1}
\new Staff = "sopranos" {\new Voice = "sIntro" { << \sIntro >>}}
\new Lyrics = "B" {s1}
\new Staff = "altos" {\new Voice = "aIntro" { << \aIntro
>>}} >>}
%%% VERSE %%%
\context Staff = "sopranos" {\new Voice = "sopranoVerse" {<< \sVerse
\context Staff = "altos" {\new Voice = "altoVerse" { << \aVerse >> }}
\context Staff = "tenors" {\new Voice = "tenorVerse" { << \tVerse >> }}
\new Lyrics = "C" {s1}
\context Staff = "basses" {\new Voice = "bassVerse" { << \bVerse >>
}} \context Lyrics = C \lyricsto tenorVerse \textVerseA
>>} } \context Lyrics = A \lyricsto sIntro \textIntro
\context Lyrics = B \lyricsto aIntro \aIntroText
\context Lyrics = B \lyricsto sopranoVerse \textVerseA
\layout {}
Actually, since the Voice context tenorVerse which you refer to, has
already been setup, you could also simplify the verse part of your
score block to:
%%% VERSE %%%
\context Staff = "sopranos" {\new Voice = "sopranoVerse" {<< \sVerse
\context Staff = "altos" {\new Voice = "altoVerse" { << \aVerse >> }}
\context Staff = "tenors" {\new Voice = "tenorVerse" { << \tVerse >> }}
\context Lyrics = C \lyricsto tenorVerse \textVerseA
\context Staff = "basses" {\new Voice = "bassVerse" { << \bVerse >> }}
You can do the same also with the other lyrics lines, but for the "A"
Lyrics context, you will then need to set alignAboveContext, as
is shown in appendix "D.4.3 SATB with aligned contexts" of the manual.
Quoting Morten Lemvigh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
I'm setting a vocal piece for SATB. There is an intro with SA and then
T and B join them in the verse. In the verse, I would like the lyrics
to be positioned between S and A and between T and B. But when I
include the intro I cannot get the lyrics to stay between T and B,
they jump up below A. Here is a minimal example of what I get:
And here is what I wrote to get it:
What should I do in order to get the lyrics to stay between T and B?
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