Quoting Kieran Coulter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
Hi Mats,
I think it belongs here,
Where it mentions how to set the default tempo (which I assume is the
global tempo for most pieces that don't change tempo).
It currently describes both how to set the tempo for a full piece
within the \midi{...} block and how to set the tempo within the actual
music using the \tempo command. The details on how to use the \tempo
command without getting a printed metronome mark is described in the
cited section on "Metronome marks".
I would then distinguish between wanting simply for the metronome
markings present, wanting the markings and the correct tempo changes,
and wanting the tempo changes but not caring about markings (as is
the case for Trevor). Also, make it as clear as possible when a way
of working with Lilypond has the effect of managing metronome marks,
and when it affects the tempi within the MIDI file itself.
I'm afraid that I am too used to working with LilyPond to realize
how the current text can be improved to clarify these issues even
further. This is where you can contribute.
So just to be totally sure,
1) you add the tempo map, "killing time" with s's, as its own voice?
It doesn't have to be a separate Voice context. It can also be in parallel
with the music within an existing Voice context:
\new Voice << \myMusicA \TempiA >>
2) Do you still need to add the global default tempo in the MIDI
block if you do this?
tempoWholesPerMinute = #(ly:make-moment 72 4)
3) If so, and you also explicitly add a tempo in measure 1 of your
tempo voice, and they are different, does it produce an error or does
one override the other?
That's a good question. It doesn't produce an error, but I would have
to try it out to know which one overrides the other.
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