Quoting Graham Percival <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Sorry, I read it too quickly. The results are a little bit better if you use \line instead of \fill-line, but I agree that there's still too much space between the elements.

You don't need the explicit \line{...}. The horizontal space is due
to the default indentation of the first score line, that (unfortunately)
also applies to these embedded scores. Setting indent=0 fixes that. In the example below, I have also changed the vertical alignment, to make it look better. You may want to try \general-align #Y #DOWN

snip = \markup {
   { \new Staff \with {
       \remove Time_signature_engraver
       firstClef = ##f
       {  << c''4\\ a' >> }
       \layout { indent = #0 ragged-right = ##t }
\markup {
   \general-align #Y #CENTER \snip


I really recommend using minimal examples, with correct indentation, though. This makes it much easier to see what's happening and to investigate the problem. The example below has all the important features of your example, but it's quicker to understand the snippet.

- Graham

%  the music should be closer to the "foo"
snip = \markup {
    { \new Staff \with {
        \remove Time_signature_engraver
        firstClef = ##f
        {  << c''4\\ a' >> }
        \layout { ragged-right = ##t }
\markup {

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