The environment variable "path" in Windows doesn't require a reboot (or
Are you sure?
I have done a little test like this :
- create new directory : c:\test
- add this directory to system environnement "path"
via Control Panel-> system -> advanced -> environment
- create a batch file named hello.bat in this dir
(with this line for exemple : echo hello world)
- open a dos windows
- enter hello
=> Windows find and run hello.bat (resulting "hello world" !) without
rebooting or relogging.
(and i have not other hello.bat on my drives ...)
This is really getting off topic and I should really not keep this
thread alive anymore. However, I'm not sure that your test case shows that
1. It works the same when the environment variable is set using the
techniques of the LilyPond installer, as compared to setting it
via the control panel (it probably does).
2. The setting is seen by programs that are started by double clicking
an icon or using drag&drop onto the icon, which is the way LilyPond
is used by virtually all first time users.
I have noticed only these 2 environment variables (PATH and PATHEXT) that
are modified by Lilypond.
Have someone noticed another modified system variables ?
(The registers are also modified but it is only to make a contextual menu
for ly files.)
That's correct! No other environment variables are set.
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