On 9/14/07, Trevor Bača <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 9/14/07, Graham Percival <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > http://lilypondwiki.tuxfamily.org/index.php?title=Doc
> >
> > General notes:
> > - we're only dealing with the Notation Reference now.  I want to get
> > this finalized so we can start the real work, so things like Titles /
> > page formatting / changing defaults / etc   will be dealt with later.
> >
> > - stuff from the old instrument-notation will be dealt with as we come
> > to them in GDP
> >
> > - The most important... the only important... stuff right now is to have
> > material in the right sections, and ideally have stuff in the right
> > subsections for the non-instrument notations.
> How about "1.11 Rhythmic music"  -->  "1.11 Percussion"?
> "Rhythmic music" makes me want to go salsa dancing ...

1.1 through 1.7 is looking very solid.

How about this slight reshuffling for the second "box"?

         o 1.8 Chord names
         o 1.9 Piano music
         o 1.10 Percussion
         o 1.11 Guitar
         o 1.12 Other instrument-specific notation
         o 1.14 Ancient notation
         o 1.15 Vocal music

(Primary motivation is to pull "Chord names" out of the sequence
["Piano music" - "Percussion" - "Guitar" - "Other instr"], which makes
a strong cognitive block IMO.)

Trevor Bača
lilypond-user mailing list

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