Hi, I want to try to have all my lyrics typeset in a Sans font. Therefor I´ve used a snippet from LSR (http://lsr.dsi.unimi.it/LSR/Snippet?id=221):
%%% BEGIN OF SNIPPET %%% \paper { myStaffSize = #20 #(define fonts (make-pango-font-tree "Bitstream Vera Sans" "Nimbus Sans" "Luxi Mono" (/ myStaffSize 20))) } %%% END OF SNIPPET %%% I substituted Times New Roman with Bitstream Vera Sans what isn´t a very good way, I think. When producing lilypond-output directly with lilypond this works quite good, but together with lilypond-book the layout is very bad: the barlines and stems are smaller than they should be to suit the size of the noteheads. I produced two simple examples to show what I did: %%%% BEGIN OF PURE LILYPOND-FILE%%%% \version "2.10.29" \paper { myStaffSize = #20 #(define fonts (make-pango-font-tree "Bitstream Vera Sans" "Nimbus Sans" "Luxi Mono" (/ myStaffSize 20))) } verseOne = \lyricmode { \set stanza = "1. " test bla blub -- ber test bla blub -- ber } \score { { << \relative c'' { \key d \major \time 2/4 cis4 d | e fis cis4 d | e fis \bar "|." } \addlyrics { \verseOne } >> } } %%%% ENDOF PURE LILYPOND-FILE%%%% %%%% BEGIN OF LYTEX-FILE %%%% \documentclass{article} \begin{document} \lilypondfile[staffsize=11]{test.ly} \end{document} %%%% END OF LYTEX-FILE %%%% As you see, I cannot change the Staffsize and everything belonging to it from within the LyTeX-file. How can I achieve this in another way? I hope there is a more straight-forward way ... Thanks, Dominic PS: It seems that the \sans command only works within \markup commands. So I cannot say "\sans" at the beginning of the document to make everything appear in a Sans font.
<<attachment: purelilyfile.png>>
<<attachment: lybookfile.png>>
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