Lilypond 2.11.32, Windows XP


I'm working on a piece that has several measures of divisi.  Because the
piece has a lot of time changes, I don't want to create a full second voice
and use \RemoveEmptyStaffContext.  The LSR has a great snippet that shows
how to temporarily add an additional staff
(, but when I add a break before the
parts divide, I get extra space at the end of the line before the break
(where a cautionary key signature would be printed).  I assume this is
because in the new staff context, I set the key signature. Is there a way to
suppress this extra space while still printing the key signature at the
beginning of the line?  


I've tried hiding the stencil (which does remove the space at the end of the
line, but unfortunately, also removes it from the beginning of the line).
It seems like the break-visibility option should really cover this
situation, but none of the options I've tried have worked.  Can someone spot
what I'm doing wrong, or suggest a better way to do this?


Here's a brief example that demonstrates what I'm trying to do:


\version "2.11.32"

\include ""



                \new StaffGroup


                                \clef bass

                                \key ef \major


                                % Just to fill up some space



                                                \repeat volta 2 


                                                                g, af, bf, c

                                                                d ef f g |





                                % Start the div. section here





\repeat volta 2


g, af, bf, c |

d ef f g | % The end of this line has the extra space




                                                \new Staff


\override Staff.TimeSignature #'stencil = ##f

\override Staff.KeySignature #'break-visibility = #end-of-line-invisible

                                                                \clef bass

                                                                \key ef




\repeat volta 2


g, af, bf, c |

d ef f g |
















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