Tim Litwiller <tim <at> litwiller.net> writes:

> so far I've been able to either have lyrics or combine notes - but not 
> both.
> then where notes collide I need to have a flag go each direction.
> I've circled examples in the attachment.

Do I assume correctly that the half-note C on "men" is done correctly, but that
the f-g sharp eighth note on "of" is incorrect?

> Also lilypond is adding naturals in the printout and I haven't yet found 
> a way to make it not do that.

I assume that the reasons the naturals are there is because you entered a
natural pitch.  When you enter a b flat in lilypond, it always needs to be bes.
 Lilypond does _not_ remember key signatures as far as note entering.  You must
enter the exact pitch.

> since I can't attach a file here is a link to an example
> http://www.litwiller.net/images/fishers.gif

If you need to get help, you should either attach or allow a link to the .ly
file, as well as the output.  Almost always, the trouble comes because you've
made some kind of mistake, and the easiest way to have somebody point it out is
through reviewing your .ly.


Carl Sorensen

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