
Is it possible to make the following tempo markup ...

    \times 2/3 { r8 n4 ~ } n4 = n2

... complete with tuplet bracket (where the n4 and n2 represent simply
\note #"4" and \note #"2")?

The notation indicates that a duration of 1/6 + 1/4 (or 5/12) on the
lefthand side of the barline equals a duration of 1/2 on the righthand
side of the barline. (Appears at rehearsal [A] in the Boston Concerto
from 2002.)

The following simplified version comes straight from 8.2.2:

%%% BEGIN %%%

\version "2.11.31"

\new Staff {
   ^ \markup {
      \smaller { \general-align #Y #down \note #"4" #1 }
      \smaller { \general-align #Y #down \note #"2" #1 }

%%% END %%%

But this fails to capture the tuplet bracket.

Is it possible to put an entire tuplet figure in markup??

Trevor Bača
lilypond-user mailing list

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