On Sep 3, 2007, at 2:20 PM, Trevor Bača wrote:

Assuming that edge-text is gone, you can read about the convert-ly
script and try running convert-ly on a simple example of the old
edge-text syntax and examine what the new syntax looks like.

Last, here's an example to get you started with the new syntax ...

   \override TextSpanner #'bound-details #'left #'text = \markup {
\fontsize #4 picc. }

... which is good because you can use \markup { } directly instead of
having to translate to the #( )-looking forms.

Hope this helps.

Thanks, Trevor. That's very helpful. Bound-details looks like it does what I want, but apparently it didn't make it into 2.10.25 where #'edge-text still rules.

David F. Place

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