I have just added the following explanation and example to the LSR. Hopefully
it answers your question as well.

By default, only the piece and opus fields from the \header{...} block are typeset above each separate score, if you have multiple \score{...} blocks in your input file. As is mentioned in the manual, you can change this by setting the paper variable printallheaders, so that the full title is printed over each score. The corresponding \header{...} block should then be included within the corresponding \score{...} block, otherwise you will get an additional title (the title for the full book) above the first individual score title. This example shows how to get rid of the extra book level title. Note that a top level \header{...} block is useful if some titling information is the same for all scores and you do not want to repeat the information several times in the input file.

 composer = "The One and Only"

{c' d' e' f'}
 title = "First piece"

{c' d' e' f'}
 title = "Second piece"

 bookTitleMarkup = ##f


Norman wrote:
I need to put a title with a score for several short pieces. Several pieces can
fit on one page. I am able to put a score within a title at the top of the page
but can't do it for pieces that are not at the top the page.

\version "2.10.25"

tuning = \markup {
    \score {
        \new Staff \with {
            \remove Time_signature_engraver
        } {
        \layout { ragged-right = ##t }

\header { subtitle = "D"
        subsubtitle = \markup {  \tuning }  }

{ a a a a }

tuning = \markup {
    \score {
        \new Staff \with {
            \remove Time_signature_engraver
        } {
        \layout { ragged-right = ##t }

\header {
    subtitle = "E"
subsubtitle = \markup { \tuning } }
{ a a a a }     

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        Mats Bengtsson
        Signal Processing
        Signals, Sensors and Systems
        Royal Institute of Technology
        SE-100 44  STOCKHOLM
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