Hello all, I have a problem whose solution eludes me. In general, when you have a partial measure, the bar count does not get incremented. When you have a piece that contains a section that ends on a partial measure and then the next section begins with a pick up (partial measure as well), it is necessary to tell Lilypond what the measure is with: \set Score.currentBarNumber = #x so that the bar numbers will compute correctly. Where the problem comes in for me is when the partial bar that ends the first section appears at the beginning of the line. When this happens, Lilypond seems to refuse to print the bar number at the beginning of the line, which looks odd. I have tried to compose a tweak that will fix this. Looking in the reference manual under BarNumber, I find the following: break-visibility (vector): #(#f #f #t) A vector of 3 booleans, #(end-of-line unbroken begin-of-line). #t means visible, #f means killed.
>From this I am a little unsure of the syntax that I should use in my tweak, but I try: \override BarNumber #'break-visibility = #(#f #t #t) For which I get: Oboe.ly:51:56: error: GUILE signaled an error for the expression beginning here \override Score.BarNumber #'break-visibility = # (#f #t #t) Interpreting music... [8] warning: type check for `break-visibility' failed; value `#<unspecified>' must be of type `vector' [16] It seems that the tweak was not constructed correctly, that the value for the vector was not expressed in the correct format. However for a non-scheme programmer, I am not sure how someone is supposed to figure out how to do this as the Reference manual will tell you all that you may change, but nowhere have I found a reference for the syntax of each data type that you might encounter in lilypond. For the programmers on the list this might seem painfully obvious, but to us non-programmers it isn't. Is it possible that I have encountered a bug? I have included the file below and a .pdf of the result. Thanks for your time. Walter Hofmeister *************************Lily file starts here************************** \version "2.11.23" \include "english.ly" #(set-default-paper-size "letter") #(set-global-staff-size 23) \paper{ top-margin = 1\mm after-title-space = 10\mm line-width = 165\mm left-margin = 20\mm between-system-space = 25\mm ragged-last-bottom = ##t } \header { title = "Bourree" composer = "J.S. Bach" } melody = \relative c'' { \clef treble \key g \major \time 2/2 \stemNeutral \repeat volta 2 { \partial 8*2 b8( c) % 1 d4-. g-. d-. c-. b4-.\breathe g'-. b,-. a-. g4-- b8( a) b4-. cs d8( cs d e) d( c b a) % 5 b4-.\breathe b'-. e,-. d-. cs4-. e-. a-. g-. fs8( e fs g) fs[( e d cs]) \partial 4*3 \set Score.currentBarNumber = #8 d2. } \repeat volta 2 { \partial 8*2 \override Score.BarNumber #'break-visibility = #(f t t) fs8( g) \set Score.currentBarNumber = #9 a4-. d-. a-. g-. % 10 fs4-.\breathe d'-. fs,-. e-. d4-. g-. c( b8 a) b8( c b a) g4-.\breathe b,8( c) d4-. g-. d-. c-. b4-.\breathe g'-. b,-. a-. % 15 g4-- b8( a) b4-. cs d8( cs d e) d( c b a) b4-.\breathe b'-. e,-. d-. c4-. e-. a-. c,-. d8( cs d e) d[( c b a]) \partial 4*3 g2. } %\bar "|." } \score { \new Staff \melody \layout { } \midi { } }
Description: Binary data
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