Sorry, I sent this from the wrong address.
On Jul 26, 2007, at 10:10 PM, Ed Ravin wrote:
I'm using LilyPond 2.10.14-1 on Mac OS X.
I'm typesetting a piece for piano and singer. The first few bars are
an introduction, with no words for the singer.
In order to save paper, I want a staff without a vocal line for the
few bars, then a regular PianoStaff with melody and lyrics for the
of the piece. I got it working using the "score" block shown below,
by modifying an example out of the documentation.
There's just one problem. The introduction takes up one line,
as planned, but after the double bar line at the end, the staff
lines continue past the double bar line, and there's an extra time
signature at the far right of the staff.
You can view the problem (at the upper right hand corner of the
PDF) at:
What might I be doing wrong here?
Without knowing what's in \melody, \upper and \lower it's difficult
to help.
Paul Scott
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