Mark Dewey wrote:

> I've heard tell that there is a LilyPond extension or plugin for MediaWiki
> (that's the software they use with Wikipedia).  I have a wiki
> ( that uses LilyPond files quite a bit . . . so, I'm
> interested in finding out what the plugin is for, what it is called, and
> where I can get it.  Do any of you know?

Try these (probably in this order):

If you need further information, your best bet is probably to post to
Wikitech-l: <>.

> I've heard that it requires LilyPond to be installed on the server.  Is
> this true?

Undoubtedly.  It doesn't really make sense otherwise :-)

Benjamin D. Esham
E-mail/Jabber: [EMAIL PROTECTED] | AIM bdesham128 | PGP D676BB9A
"When I hear of Schrödinger's cat, I reach for my gun."
                                               — Stephen Hawking

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