Although I'm on OS X (so, I can't try if it would be a solution for you),
can't it be the problem that you have spaces in your path? Give a try replacing
C:\Program Files\OOoLilyPond\templates\2.10\ to "C:\Program
Files\OOoLilyPond\templates\2.10\" and
C:\Program Files\LilyPond\usr\bin\lilypond.exe to "C:\Program
Once more, I'm not a Winxp user, so maybe I'm telling some very stupid
thing, but it takes no time to try it out...
Did that, and right now the whole popup doesn't show up anymore, instead I
get into some debugger with a whole buncha code.
It reports about a variable being out of bounds, at this line:
ReDim Preserve sTemplate(i-1) As String
I tried erasing that ctrl-m definition in the macro menu and redefine it,
even after a restart of open office, but it now keeps bugging me with that
code debugger!
gr. Maarten
(sorry Siska, that first email you just got was meant for the whole list :P)
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