
I'm having problems with getting instrument (or technically voice-part)
names to appear on a polyphonic score. Where in the syntax, or even in the
.ly file do I put the \set instrumentName?

I'm writing some simple 4-part choral stuff on 2 staves, using the template

I need to label each vocal line because some scores are SATB whilst others
are SSTT or other combinations. However, I can only get one instrumentName
to appear (the lower of each pair of voices). (example code below) 

What am I doing wrong, and how do I fix it?

Whilst I'm doing this, I'd also like to chance the default font settings for
instrumentName, to make the font smaller and sans-serif. Can I do this
globally, or do I have to do it for each \score in the .ly file?

Thanks for your help.


******************code begins*****************
     \version "2.10.10"
     global = {
        \key c \major
        \time 4/4
     sopMusic = \relative c'' {
      \set Staff.instrumentName = "S"
        c4 c c8[( b)] c4
     sopWords = \lyricmode {
        hi hi hi hi
     altoMusic = \relative c' {
      \set Staff.instrumentName = "A"
        e4 f d e
     altoWords =\lyricmode {
        ha ha ha ha
     tenorMusic = \relative c' {
     \set Staff.instrumentName = "T"
        g4 a f g
     tenorWords = \lyricmode {
        hu hu hu hu
     bassMusic = \relative c {
     \set Staff.instrumentName = "B"
        c4 c g c
     bassWords = \lyricmode {
        ho ho ho ho
     \score {
        \new ChoirStaff <<
           \new Lyrics = sopranos { s1 }
           \new Staff = women <<
              \new Voice =
                "sopranos" { \voiceOne << \global \sopMusic >> }
              \new Voice =
                "altos" { \voiceTwo << \global \altoMusic >> }
           \new Lyrics = "altos" { s1 }
           \new Lyrics = "tenors" { s1 }
           \new Staff = men <<
              \clef bass
              \new Voice =
                "tenors" { \voiceOne <<\global \tenorMusic >> }
              \new Voice =
                "basses" { \voiceTwo <<\global \bassMusic >> }
           \new Lyrics = basses { s1 }
           \context Lyrics = sopranos \lyricsto sopranos \sopWords
           \context Lyrics = altos \lyricsto altos \altoWords
           \context Lyrics = tenors \lyricsto tenors \tenorWords
           \context Lyrics = basses \lyricsto basses \bassWords
        \layout {
           \context {
              % a little smaller so lyrics
              % can be closer to the staff
              \override VerticalAxisGroup #'minimum-Y-extent = #'(-3 . 3)

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