hi Vasil,

what you want to use is called 'key signature' in english.
in this case you have the key of a major or f-sharp minor, so your code needs 
the following at the beginning of your piece:

\key a \major
\key fis \minor

the transpose command will only transpose the key signature if it is set at the 
if you want to use the transpose command you need to set the following:

\key c \major
\transpose c a { music }

but then you have to write your music in c to get the desired output.
for your case I guess that you won't need the transpose function.



-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Datum: Thu, 26 Jul 2007 10:41:28 +0300
Von: "Vasil Kadifeli" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
An: lilypond-user@gnu.org
Betreff: all sharps ?

> I am a new guitar class student and I don't know much of notes and the
> music
> terminolgy in English...
> I'd like to to engrave the following sharp signs to the beginning of the
> staff so that all following C, F ang G notes will be half note sharper...
> I thought I can use the \transpose command but it didn't work...
> any one to help ? thanks in advance
> Vasil
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