Dear Users,
I'm engraving a score that has several microtonal accidentals of 1/6
pitches. I know that there are no 1/6-pitch accidentals in Lilypond (as
far as I know there are only 1/4 tone accidentals), and I have a very
short deadline for this work, so I don't think I could put this wish to
a feature request list, but must do something by myself (as I need to
solve the issue in a very short time).
Does anyone know how should I start with this?
As an explanation, the 1/6 pitch accidentals are actually simple
vertical arrows, which can be standalone (that means 1/6 pitch higher or
lower as the base pitch) or combined with sharp symbols (if this is the
case, the obtained pitch is 1/6 higher or lower than the respective
sharp). Theoretically there could also be arrows combined with flats,
but they are not necessary to get the full 'palette' of 1/6 pitches (for
example, [uparrow + g flat] would mean the same as [uparrow + f sharp]).
Some times the standalone arrows are combined with natural symbols. I'm
not sure if these signs are standardized or not, but composers like
Grisey or Murail use these symbols frequently in their scores.
Thank you,
Siska Ádám
+36 (70) 207-63-85
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