The biggest pain which made me give up was \markup is assumed to be
associated with the score after it. The vertical spacing and page breaks
don't allow you to end a page with a \markup block. It always moves to the
next page with the \score.

I can see the usefulness of the \markup block as it is currently programmed.
But it is really intended for adding a few words of performance directions
above a score. 

What I would really like to have is a \text block with all the usual
formatting capability of a \markup but not associated with any \score. Each
block would represent a paragraph of plain text. Ideally, the vertical
spacing and page breaks should treat each \text block just as it would a
\score block. It might even be useful for the \text block to have \layout
and \markup just like a \score block for paragraph titles.

Also, when I use \center in a \markup block outside of a score, I expect the
text to center between the page margins (i.e., center on the entire width of
the \score object below), not center on the left margin so the text runs off
the page. In my opinion, having to use fill-line or other tweaks to get the
text to move to the center of the page is a bug, not a feature.


-----Original Message-----
From: Valentin Villenave [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, July 10, 2007 2:48 PM
To: Paul Harouff
Subject: Re: Merging scores in one pdf

2007/7/10, Paul Harouff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> If you move the discussion to another list, how do the rest of us benefit
> from the discussion?

Thank you for asking; of course if we come up with anything
interesting on the French list, I'll translate it here, modify the
documentation or add it to the LSR. This is how things work.

> I've been having the same problem trying to put multiple hymns in a single
> file with the priest's prayers before and after each hymn. LilyPond
> music great, but plain text is a pain. I had given up and started pasting
> the music into a Word document as pictures.

I have to confess I haven't quite understood what is this topic about;
I use \book a lot and have never encountered any problem with text
indications; the \markup command works perfectly, with simple
functions such as \fill-line etc.

For example, I often put a "title" and a "subtitle" only in the main
\book section, and then in each \score block (or file), I just insert
a "piece" field, in which I put every titles or subtitles I need,
using fill-line, columns, etc. Is it easy, simple, and works

So when you say that in lilypond "plain text is a pain", could you be
more specific (e.g. post a snippet of what made you give up)?



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